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2024 Season


Karen Croft
Olivia Jury


2024 Season Round Up

Yet another great season for the ABC D3 teams. Maroon was a fairly young team with the ages of our outfield players ranging from 13-22. Our ABC D3 teams always provide a reminder that hockey is for everyone and it’s never too late to learn with many new additions to our team throughout the season. 

The first 10 rounds saw us undefeated with 9 wins and 1 draw. But then unfortunately our mighty team met our nemesis… school holidays. Our winning streak had met its match.


Heading into the top half of the grade the D3 table was tight with 5 points between the 1st and 5th teams. The championship was truely anyone’s game. A final push for points at the end left us undetermined as to if we had done enough to win the championship. It all came down to a Taka / NSU clash. While usually I wouldn’t be rooting for NSU we had to send our best cheerleaders Karen and Zoe down to make sure NSU sealed the deal. 

We are proud to share that a successful ABC D3 campaign resulted in ABC Maroon winning the championship with ABC Yellow on our heels in second place. The final table for the competition saw Maroon on 42 points and then 2nd, 3rd and 4th all with 40 points. All three ABC teams had penalty shootouts to complete their finals rounds. We are excited to try our luck at our promotion game for D2 later this year.


This season our favourite games were the ABC derby matches versus ABC Yellow and ABC Black. These never failed to bring out the best competitive spirits. 


A notable mention to Bec who had a stellar debut in goal this year. A true credit to her commitment for the club, stepping up when the women’s division teams needed it.


And finally a special mention to Karen Croft for coaching us this season. Karen was an amazing coach, and despite the varying levels of experience and skill in our team, she ensured we were all constantly learning and growing. I have no doubt that our successes are owed to her.


Olivia Jury

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